Asperger's syndrome (AS), is a pervasive developmental disorder commonly referred to as a form of "high-functioning" autism. In very broad terms, individuals with Asperger's are considered to have normal to high intellectual capacity and an atypical social capacity. The term "Asperger's syndrome" was coined by Lorna Wing in a 1981 medical paper. She named it after Hans Asperger, an Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician whose work was not internationally recognized until the 1990s.


Like other conditions currently classified as an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome is strongly gender biased, with males currently comprising approximately 75 percent of diagnoses. However, this figure may not be completely accurate, as girls are arguably more exposed to social situations and thus have more of a chance - Read more...

Social interaction and cognitive patterns:

Asperger's can also lead to problems with normal social interaction between peers. In childhood and teenage years, this can cause severe problems as a child or teen with Asperger's can have difficulty interpreting subtle social cues, Read more...

Effect on relationships:

The significant others of people with Asperger's are more prone to major depression than the general population because people with Asperger's often have trouble showing affection or have little desire to show affection, Read more...

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